Groundwater is an important resource for food security, human health and ecosystems. It thus forms an important ingredient for economic and social prosperity of humankind through water supply for agricultural, domestic and industrial uses in urban, peri-urban and rural areas of most sub-Sahara African (SSA) countries. However, the knowledge and science of groundwater remains inadequate despite its importance in socio-economic development. Moreover, the practical teaching of groundwater-surface water interaction and dynamics is missing in most programs, thus the understanding of groundwater resources by most experts and professionals is marred by inadequate practical skills.
Therefore, this M.Sc. program aims to provide advanced training of professionals in hydrogeology and water resources management with substantial and state-of-the-art practical aspects of groundwater hydrology and applied groundwater modelling to promote sustainable use of groundwater for the current and future water needs. This program also seeks to promote science-informed governance, management and development of groundwater resources.