Research Projects

Over the years, Sokoine University of Agriculture has been involved with a number of different collaborative research projects and programs. This page shows summary information about all current and completed projects. If you are interested in more detailed information contact, The Directorate of Postgraduate Studies, Research, Technology transfer, and Consultancy office at sends email) (

Novel Compounds for Countering Insecticide Resistance and Improving the Control of Plague Flea Vectors

We envision development of low cost rodent contamination device (RCD), where rodents would visit, get contaminated with control agents and feed on bait with ivermectin; and vehicle those agents to microhabitats. As such, we will ensure routine and targeted control, which in turn will circumvent delayed control and high costs. We will aim to develop low-cost RCD which could be used to auto-disseminate novel compounds and or chemical insecticides to rodent microhabitats.

Green Resource Innovations for Livelihood Improvement (GRILI)

Using two plant species, Synadenium glaucescens(link is external) and Commiphora swynnertonii(link is external), as model plants for adding value and up-scaling technologies. It is carried out in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania and Manyara region where Synadenium glaucescens(link is external), and Commiphora swynnertonii(link is external) are found in plenty and highly utilized as source of traditional medicine.

Its main objective is to catalyse the socio-economic development and poverty reduction through training, research and expansion of market opportunities of value added Green Resource Products(link is external) (GRPs) with pharmacological value for livelihood improvement.

Eco hydrology and Trans boundary Water Management

UNESCO Chair in Ecohydrology and Transboundary Water Management of Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania is a Project hosted at the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Solomon Mahlangu College of Science and Education (SMCOSE). It was approved on 2018 by UNESCO HQ in Paris. 

Uncertainty reduction in Models for Understanding development Applications (UMFULA)

UMFULA (which means ‘river’ in Zulu) stands for “Uncertainty reduction in models for understanding development applications” which is part of a major research programme called Future Climate For Africa. It is an international collaborative project  which will generate new insights and more reliable information about climate change and extreme weather events in central and southern Africa. UMFULA research will focus on impacts of climate on water and agriculture in Tanzania, particularly the Rufiji River Basin.

The project is a collaboration between seven African Institutes, including Sokoine University of Agriculture and five UK universities, including the London School of Economics and Political Science

OIE Veterinary Education Establishment Twinning project

To address the challenges facing veterinary medicine, K-State College of Veterinary Medicine and Sokoine University of Agriculture College of Veterinary and Medical Sciences (Morogoro, Tanzania) have partnered in a twinning project supported by the World Organisation for Animal Health (the OIE). 

The project aims to enhance the quality of veterinary education in both colleges and to foster long lasting cooperation between the two partners. In addition to strengthening veterinary curricula to meet OIE guidelines, the project facilitates international solidarity, and the development of better health interventions through research and knowledge exchange

The Timber Rush: Private Forestry in Village Land

Timber Rush investigates the scale and drivers of the current investments in land and timber in Tanzania, testing the hypothesis that investments are first and foremost driven by domestic factors related to increased market demand for timber for industrial use, particularly construction, nationally and in the East African region.

Exploring the fate of Mercury in artisanal gold mining of the Lake Victoria Gold Field

This study will investigate quantitative and qualitative mercury availability in the environment surrounding artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) locations in Tanzania, where mercury contamination is of concern with regard to the health of community members and others who consume food products originating from the area. Although mercury contamination can be lessened by appropriate controls and proper handling methods, such measures are not routinely applied in Tanzania, where mercury has been documented in different environments and studies. Mercury can be transported away from emission sources by riverine systems to large water bodies like Lake Victoria.

Development of a Bacillus Based Biological Fungicide Against Fusarium Wilt of Tomatoes

This study aims to demonstrate the inhibitory effect of local isolates of the  Bacillus against  F. oxysporum  wilt of tomatoes in vitro, and in experimental field conditions in Morogoro region. Fusarium wilt is considered one of the most important disease of crops and especially vegetables in fields and greenhouses. The disease is characterized by wilting of plants, yellowing of leaves and reduced to even total loss of crop yield. In Tanzania, Fusarium wilt has been reported in many crops, however, Foxysporum f.sp lycopersici specifically attacks tomato plants and causes systemic disease of the root and stem.

Enhancement of SUA's capacity in Utilizing Information and Communication Technology (ESUA-CICT)

The ESUA-CICT project aims at improving, among other things, the application of ICT in teaching and research in higher education institutions. This is in line with Corporate Strategic Plan (2011 – 2020) which advocate the use of ICT to increase efficiency, cost effectiveness and competitiveness. The main objective of the project is to intensify the use of ICT in training, research, outreach and administrative functions at Sokoine University of Agriculture through enhanced ICT applications and systems.

Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Genomics to Improve Poultry in Tanzania

The USAID Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Genomics to Improve Poultry seeks to improve the production of chicken and eggs by households and small farmers, and thereby improve food security, nutrition and livelihoods in Africa -- key goals of the Feed the Future Program

Valorization of potentials of Synadenium glaucescens (SG) Phytochemicals for Management of Important Human and Animal diseases (VaSPHARD)

The VaSPHARD project aims at contributing to the National Health and economic development through human, infrastructural and institutional capacity building for enhancing the utilization of natural resources from Synadenium glaucescens (SG). It involves implementation of the project activities extending from phytochemistry studies, bioactivity studies, knowledge enhancement and methods development for screening of phytoproducts. Furthermore the project aims at building the community of practices in the area of natural products from within and outside the country

Southern African Center for Infectious Disease Surveillance (SACIDS) - Africa Center of Excellence for Infectious Diseases of Humans and Animals in Southern and Eastern Africa (SACIDS-ACE)

The SACIDS Foundation for One Health (SACIDS) is a ONE HEALTH Virtual Institute that links academic and research institutions in Southern and East Africa, which deal with infectious diseases of humans and animals within the African Ecosystem, in an innovative South-South-North smart partnership with world-renowned centres of research and training.

Freshwater biodiversity information system for Sustainable Conservation of Rufiji river Basin in Tanzania (JRS Biodiversity Foundation)

The project aims to improve ecosystem management for the Rufiji River Basin by improving freshwater biodiversity information accessibility. To this end, the JRS Biodiversity Foundation supports a planning effort to review available data and literature, build a biodiversity monitoring framework, and form partnerships with data providers and end-users.

Climate - smart flood salinity tolerant Africa Rice

The project will identify novel genes or QTLs involved in flood or salinity tolerance of rice using African rice germplasm such as Oryza glaberrima and wild relatives. Three underlying knowledge gaps for achieving the overall objective are i) the role of the root barrier to radial O2 loss (ROL) in protecting against tissue intrusion of soil phytotoxins and salt (NaCl), ii) the genotypes and role of superhydrophobic leaf cuticles resulting in formation of leaf gas films during submergence and the consequences for sustaining gas exchange and protecting against salt intrusion and iii) the prevalence of the trait of anaerobic germination. We propose to use promising genotypes of wild relatives from wetland habitats to uncover these trait capacities.

Promoting Proper Management of Zoonotic Diseases Through One Health e-based Training of Frontline Health Workers

The project gave priority to Brucellosis because the disease is very similar to malaria, they wanted to see if its solution could be through using ICT applications, and also the understanding of our specialists who are the ones who meet the people every day in clinics and health centers and they are the ones who are directly involved in the community to identify patient and refer them to Hospitals.

The aim of the study was to increase awareness and control of Brucellosis using One Health e-based and provide education among citizens and health workers in Tanzania where they chose to conduct the study in Chalinze and Kilosa Districts.


The project aims at Narrowing the East African Wood Supply Gap: Research and Teaching for national Bio-Economies based on Farm-Wood-Production, They work on the current challenges and opportunities of the Tanzanian forestry and wood sector, and the different scenarios where the sector can move forward in the future. 

Investigation of domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) urine odor as a potential rodent management strategy in crop fields in Tanzania

The project aimed at providing a “proof of concept” for the use of predator-derived odours to limit crop loss in field by Mastomys natalensis especially during the susceptible crop growth stages. The hypothesis was to test if the cat urine odour has a significant rodent repellent effect.

Rural-Urban Transformation (RUT): Governance, Mobility, and Economic Dynamics, in Emerging urban Centers for Poverty reduction

The overall objective of the project is to provide a comprehensive understanding of development dynamics of EUCs in Tanzania and explore how these impacts on the physical and socio- economic transformation of EUCs into urban townships.

Central to the research is to understand governance practices and challenges of these fast growing urban areas characterized by complex in-and out migration and rapid changing economic processes.

Immediate objectives

  • To analyse how the forms and roles of institutions (formal and informal) have developed in support of the transformation
  • To identify how governance practices (public and private) in relation to land, water and waste management have developed in support of the transformation.
  • To identify how the rural-urban connectivity influence markets, business networks and employment creation in the EUC.
  • To identify livelihoods and the role of mobility practices in the EUC
  • To develop human resource capacity to research on development dynamics of EUCs

Enhancing the Quality of graduates of agriculture to meet tomorrow’s food security challenge (PREPARE-BSc)

The overall objective is to enable the Universities to develop competent relevant high level human resources within agriculture, veterinary science and related fields to address food security as part of socio-economic development needs of the societies in Eastern Africa.

Establishing a National Carbon Monitoring Centre in Tanzania (NCMC)

The NCMC is the institution that will manage an effective national system of measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) of carbon in forest ecosystems for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the international community on behalf of the nation. While initial focus will be on Carbon emission reductions in the forestry Sector, in the longer term, the NCMC can be expanded to accommodate other sectors (such as agriculture, energy, transport, industries)

Urban and Peri-Urban Livestock Farming and Environmental and Public Health Challenges

The Main Objective of this project was to assess and mitigate the negative impact of livestock farming in urban and peri-urban environment of Tanzania and improve production so as to safeguard the animal and human health. The main activities were to train 3 PhD and 3 Master students who carried out the research studies so as to build research capacity on peri-urban livestock farming. 

Agroecology Research and Advocacy

The main objective of the research  is to evaluate existing agroecological practices so as to identify the best agroecological practices based on the information and knowledge obtained from studies in the field.

The specific objectives are to: i.Generate scientific data to support  advocacy efforts for agro-ecology as a viable solution for food security and the empowerment of farmers to influence policy makers and the executive within the government at all levels, and  ii.Document evidence that can support other stakeholders such as development partners, academia and policy makers in Tanzania in their efforts to influence national and district level policies on embracing ecological agriculture as a solution to: a) Increase the productivity and profitability of the agriculture sector; b) Enhance the livelihoods of smallholder farmers; and  c) Improve the environmental conditions and soil fertility for future generations.

Innovations and Markets for Lake Victoria Fisheries (IMLAF)

The IMLAF project aims at studying the small-scale fishery in the Lake Victoria basin in order to minimize constraints and catalyze socio-economic growth through expansion of markets for Nile perch and sardine quality products and employment opportunities. Postharvest losses and presence of biological, physical and chemical hazards which jeopardize the quantity, quality, safety and marketability of fish and fish products will be addressed.

Health for Animals and Livelihood Improvement (HALI)

The Health for Animals and Livelihood Improvement (HALI) Project is a collaborative research and capacity building program investigating health at human-animal-environment interfaces in Tanzania.

Development Corridors Partnership (DCP)-Building capacity in Africa and China for sustainable development corridors

The Development Corridors Partnership (DCP) Project in Tanzania will build capacity to address concerns about development corridors by encouraging scientific collaboration and stakeholder engagement in key issues of corridor planning and management. This will include applying the best tools and analyses (and developing new ones if necessary), and communicating recommendations to all stakeholders more effectively.

Strengthening of SACIDS and Regional COVID-19 Emergency Preparedness in Eastern and Southern Africa

The Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19) outbreak first reported in Wuhan, China on 31stDecember 2019 has now spread to almost all continents. By March 3, 2020, already 66 countries have reported cases of COVID-19, three of them in Africa (Algeria, Egypt and Nigeria). The health systems in many African countries are ill-prepared to identify and respond quickly and appropriately to control COVID-19 and other similar infectious diseases outbreaks. The objective of this project is to strengthen the role of Member Institutions of the SACIDS Foundation for One Health to provide expert support to national Ministries of Health and public health laboratories in Southern, Central and East Africa

Building Stronger Universities (BSU) Phase III

The Building Stronger University initiative (BSU) is unique as it fills the gaps in institutional capacities at universities in the South that no other initiatives have focused on. BSU III involved new thematic foci and a fresh round of matchmaking processes that brought together researchers from Danish University Consortia and from universities in the South

Building Stronger University (BSU) Phase II

The Building Stronger University initiative (BSU) is unique as it fills the gaps in institutional capacities at universities in the South that no other initiatives have focused on. BSU II involved new thematic foci and a fresh round of matchmaking processes that brought together researchers from Danish University Consortia and from universities in the South. The project is implemented in cooperation between Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) and a Consortium of Danish Universities (CDU).

Afrique One – ASPIRE: African Science Partnership for Intervention Research Excellence

The African Science Partnership for Intervention Research Excellence (ASPIRE), is a pan-African research consortium for capacity building in “One Health”.

The Afrique One – ASPIRE programme will equip African scientists with expertise in planning, monitoring and evaluating interventions of One Health research with the aim of tackling zoonoses. Through this programme, we aim to improve human and animal health and well-being, as well as food security.

African Centre of Excellence for Rodent pest management and Biosensor Technology Development (IRPM&BTD)

The ACE IRPM &BTD is one among twenty three Africa Centres of Excellence (ACE) established and funded by the World Bank through soft loans to eight countries (Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique) in Eastern and Southern Africa. The ACE projects address agriculture, health, human resource development, innovations and technological challenges (including ICT) faced by communities in these countries. Each of the ACEs receives a maximum of USD 6,000, 000 through a disbursement system based on verified disbursement linked indicators and disbursement linked results. The ACEs  became effective in July/August 2017

Capacity Building for Training and Research in Aquatic and Environmental Health in Eastern and Southern Africa (TRAHESA)

Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Makerere University (MU), University of Nairobi (UoN), University of Zambia (UNZA) and the University of Dar es Salaam’s - Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS) in Zanzibar is undertaking a collaborative research project entitled “Capacity Building for Training and Research in Aquatic and Environmental Health in Eastern and Southern Africa (TRAHESA)”.

The goal of the project is to strengthen education and research capacity in aquatic and environmental health in Eastern and Southern Africa. The project intends to achieve the above through training of human resources at both masters and PhD levels while generating the information to fill the knowledge gap.

Formulation, Validation and Promotion of Products from Commiphora swynnertonii Resin for Medical and Veterinary Uses

Plants have long been the source of traditional treatment of various diseases and wounds in developing countries. Which plants or herbs are used for treatment of wounds and other ailments depends on the traditions and plant species grown in different regions of the world. In recent years, there is renewed global interest in discovering agents from natural resources that can be used as skin care products and also that will promote wound healing to reduce the cost of treatment and prevent complications from synthetic drugs. Commiphora swynnertonii, also known as myrrh, is among the commonly used tropical plants treating different diseases. 

This project examine the formulation and validation of C. swynnertonii resin topical and oral products for medical and veterinary uses. Products formulated from the resin of this plant have been tested under different conditions and has been shown to be effective on treatment of all kinds of wounds, fungal infections and other skin conditions.

Use of Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) in order to improve Selection Efficiency in Breeding for Resistance to major bean diseases of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and developing appropriate seed delivery system in Tanzania

Objectives  of this project include; verifying the effectiveness of the incorporated ALS, CBB and BCMNV resistance genes against pathogen strains endemic to Tanzania under field and greenhouse conditions; verifying the stability of incorporated (homozygous) genes above using MAS of the advanced backcross lines; conducting yield evaluation on verified lines containing combined ALS, CBB, BCMNV resistance in multi-location replicated trials; conducting on-farm multi-location trials for participatory selection and release of varieties; conducting studies on pathogen variability in major bean growing areas of Tanzania specifically for ALS and Anthracnose.

Use of marker assisted selection (MAS) to improve selection efficiency in breeding for resistance to major bean disease of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Tanzania

My research journey started back in 2008 when I was funded by KT to undertake an MSc in Crop Science at SUA as part of the SUA ABC Project “Use of marker assisted selection (MAS) to improve selection efficiency in breeding for resistance to major diseases of common bean in Tanzania”

GroFuture: Groundwater Futures in Sub-Saharan Africa

Groundwater Futures in Sub-Saharan Africa (GroFutures) will develop the scientific evidence and inclusive groundwater management processes by which groundwater resources can be used sustainably for poverty alleviation in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).

It will improve understanding of the volume and renewability of groundwater in SSA, and develop robust models and tools to forecast available groundwater resources under changing climate, land-use and demand scenarios, including expansion of arable land under irrigation.

Sustainable Catchment Management though Enhanced Environmental Flow Assessment and Implementation for the Protection of the Western Indian Ocean from Land Based Sources and Activities in Tanzania (EFLOWS)

Environmental flows assessments – or Eflows – seek to determine the quantity and quality of water and sediment flows necessary to sustain freshwater and estuarine ecosystems and the human livelihoods and wellbeing that depend on them. Though governments and other stakeholders recognize the key role of sustained environmental flows to communities and the environment, there has been no standardized, region-wide approach to conducting environmental flows assessments

Enhancing Entrepreneurship Innovation and Sustainability in Higher Education in Africa (EEISHEA)

Enhancing entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability in higher education in Africa (EEISHEA) is a project which was launched in October 2018. EEISHEA is a collaboration between 5 universities in Africa and 5 universities in Europe. At Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Prof. Camilius Sanga is a local project coordinator while Prof. Anthony Sangeda is a local project manager. The advisory board member for project is Prof. Maulid W. Mwatawala.

The overall aim of the project is to initiate sustained educational change in the 5 African universities, redesigning chosen curricula to become ‘best practice’ examples with regard to contents, approaches to learning and teaching and methods of delivery. 

Ecologically based rodent pest management for sustainable agriculture and food security in Africa (EcoRodMan) (ACE IRPM)

Ecologically-based rodent management (EBRM) is a term coined 20 years ago by Grant Singleton(link is external) and Herwig Leirs(link is external). Following a workshop in 1996 in Morogoro, Tanzania at the Pest Management Centre, Sokoine University of Agriculture, the theme of ecologically-based rodent research was emphasized as the future of rodent research, particularly in Africa and Asia.

Agroecological Methodology in VEGetable crops (AGROVEG)

AGROVEG is a collaborative project between the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA, Belgium, as leading Institution), Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique), and Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA). The project proposes the development of environmental-friendly methodologies, along agroecological principles, to mitigate the impact of fruit flies on vegetables such as cucurbits and Solanaceous crops.

Enhancing Disease Outbreak Detection and Response in East and Southern Africa (DODRES)

Agriculture is a very important sector in this country, being the 2nd largest contributor to the GDP (30%) and by far the largest employer, employing over 70% of the active population. Tanzania has the 2nd largest number of animals on the African continent after Ethiopia, in terms of the number of cattle, sheep, goats and chickens. In addition to breeding, the large number of national parks (17 animal reserves) and the continuation of lifestyles closely linked to the life cycle of the livestock, especially in the Masai Territory, means there is a very high rate of human-animal interaction in this country. Morogoro, the centre of the AfyaData programme, is thus the entry point for Mikumi National Park, much frequented by tourists looking to see the Big Five, but is also the national reference centre for monitoring the problems of “One Health”, which links human health with animal health. 

APRA - Agricultural Policy Research in Africa

Agricultural Policy Research in Africa (APRA) is a research programme of the Future Agricultures Consortium (FAC) which aims to address this question through in-depth, interdisciplinary, comparative research across nine countries. Through this work, APRA is generating high-quality evidence and policy-relevant insights on more inclusive pathways to agricultural commercialisation.

The APRA project research in Tanzania is based on rice and sunflower crops as they are a source of food and economy and are short-lived in the field and they chose Morogoro Region Kilombero district and Singida Region in Iramba district and Mkalama with more than 500 farmers reached. The project began in 2017 and is expected to end in 2021.

REFOREST Programme

A Regional Research School in Forest Sciences (REFOREST) is a new, innovative, interdisciplinary and unique regional PhD degree programme for training future generation forest scientists in Africa. The programme is hosted at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) and is anchored in partnerships where universities in the region in collaboration with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) support PhD training in forest sciences.

The programme is organised as a research school and applies a “regional sandwich model”, in which all coursework and thesis write-up are undertaken at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) whereas field data collection is conducted in the candidates’ home countries. This approach aims to strengthen the quality and raise the number of competent research scientists more rapidly while also enabling a regional perspective and linking scientists to international learning and collaboration.

AFRICITY - Adaptability, Food Security, Risk, and the Right to the City in Sub-Sahara Africa: Towards Sustainable Livelihoods and Green Infrastructure

AfriCity is a collaborative research, teaching and training project. It explores the causes and effects of environmental change and resource use in Sub-Saharan African cities. The project considers rapid social and economic transformation processes and their external and internal drivers, and assesses the barriers for potentials of social adaptability in the context of inequity, risk, and resourcefulness.

The two main objectives of the project are to explore and understand vulnerability and adaptability to environmental and resource change, with an emphasis the issues of risk and food security, in sub-Saharan African cities; and to promote sustainable urban livelihoods and adaptability through understanding communicating the right to the city with regards to the necessary green and infra-structure. Among various activities, the project promotes student exchange visits to enhance trans-national cooperation and networking of scholars among the project partners.

VEGI - LEG: Implementing Innovative processing technologies for nutrient-dense plant foods (African Indigenous Vegetable & legumes) to safe guard perennial nutrition security - an East Africa & South east African Country comparison

Sokoine University of Agriculture in collaboration with the ZALF (Leibniz Centre of Agricultural Landscape Research, Germany), Unilurio and IIAM (Mozambique) has received funding from the Germany Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) to undertake the VEGI-LEG Project (Implementing innovative processing technologies for nutrient-dense plant foods {African indigenous vegetables and legumes} to safeguard perennial nutrition security– an East African and Southeast African country comparison)

The aim of the project is to improve food and nutrition security through processing of pigeon peas and African indigenous vegetables with research activities in Zambezia Province (Mozambique) and Lindi Region (Tanzania). 

Trade, development and Environment - TRADE Hub

TRADE Hub project (link is external)activities in Tanzania (i.e. activities under WP4 of the Hub). WP4 will deal with Trade policies and economic impacts (power relations). It will map relevant trade policies in wildlife- and commodity- exporting (mainly DAC countries) and analyse interactions of policy frameworks between importing and exporting countries, and the international trade governance. The aim of the mapping exercise is to generate a consistent framework in which to analyse trade and trade policies, in order to understand demand for final products, through demand for intermediate goods and the rules, relationships and regulations that drive sourcing production decisions. These decisions lead to different patterns of social, economic and environmental outcomes along the supply chain. This will incorporate the assessment of the role of company policies and of standards imposed by the finance sector in decision –making. Grounded in analysis of the focal countries and products, the work, the WP will assess the economic consequences (measured broadly in terms of impacts on human welfare) of specific trade flows, and identify levers along supply chains which can influence (and improve) the impacts of trade. 

Development, evaluation and implementation of a practical health education intervention package for prevention and control of Taenia solium cysticercosis and taeniosis in Tanzania - (CYSTINET PROJECT)

CYSTINET-Africa(link is external) stands for Cysticercosis Network of Sub-Saharan Africa. Taenia solium cysticercosis/taeniosis/neurocysticercosis (TSCT/NCC) is a neglected infectious disease which can be eliminated. It is endemic in many sub-Saharan countries. The high prevalence of this disease affects human and animal health alike and thus has socio-economic effects in affected countries.

The cysticercosis research network CYSTINET-Africa, which is based on the One-Health concept that connects human and animal health for the effective management of infectious diseases, is set up to contribute to elimination and prevention of Taenia solium cysticercosis/Taeniosis/neurocysticercosis (TSCT/NCC).

The Impact of Invasive Tree Species Cedrela odorota on Population of Critically Endangered Lizard Species Lygodactylus williamsi at Kimboza Forest Reserve, Tanzania

This project seeks to understand the spatial extent through which C. odorata has advanced into the forest, mechanisms of spread and its impacts on L. williamsi.

Development of Alternative Sustainable Fish Feeds to Promote Human Health Using Novel Non-Conventional Indigenous Ingredients

The project aims to improve content of omega 3 fatty acids especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) of farmed tilapia and carps in Africa and India using feeds developed from novel indigenous non-conventional feed ingredients.

AIDA - Agricultural Investors as Development Actors?

AIDA examines the development outcomes of foreign agricultural investments at sub-national level for people living in and using land in their vicinity, using Danish agricultural investments and their location in Tanzania and Uganda as the case and geographical starting point. In particular, AIDA focuses on the development outcomes with respect to employment, land tenure security and water security. Download AIDA Programme description (pdf, 271 KB)(link is external)

Agroecology Hub in Tanzania

Agroecology Hub in Tanzania (AEHT) is a project  aiming at undertaking multi disciplinary demand led research contributing to enhance livelihoods and sustainable environment in rural communities through principles of Agroecological Intensification (AEI). The hub seeks to provide a platform for various categories of stakeholders to participate in the promotion of AEI principles in Tanzania. These stakeholders range from Universities, NGOs, Farmers, Research Institutions, Farmer Organizations, Local Government Authorities (LGAs). Extension Workers as well as Policy Makers.

ACCESS TO SEEDS: From Emergencies to Seeds System Development

Adapting Indigenous/Traditional Knowledge and Innovations to Maintain Wetland Dependent Lifestyles

Advancing dry bean production for resource poor farmers in Tanzania II

Advancing Soil Health in Africa: A Regional Doctorate Program in Soil and Water Management

Advancing Soil Health in Africa: a Regional Msc Program in Soil Science and Water Management

Aflatoxin Analysis in Groundnuts for safe food

African Bio Services Project

AFSCAN Arthropod-Borne Infectious Diseases Surveillance

Agricultural and Food Systems Resilience; Increasing Capacity and Advising Policy (AFRICAP) Program

Application of Selective Technology to Improve Farmed Wami Tilapia along the Coastal Zones of Tanzania

Aquaculture Production and Human Health, Nutrition, and Food Supply in Ghana and Tanzania

Assesing the Rift Valley fever Clone 13 vaccine effectiveness in domestic ruminats in Ngorongoro district, nothern Tanzania

Assessment of Forest Recovery after Pit-sawing in Amani Nature Reserve

Assessment of TSOL18 vaccine in combination with oxfendazole to control Taenia solium in Mbeya, Tanzania

Banking the rain:Enhancing the resilience of water supplies in Dryland Africa

Biological Control of the invasive Weed Parthenium hysterophorus in East Africa in Tanzania"

Breeding for Durable Angular Leaf Spot Disease Resistance in Common Beans Using Maker Assisted Gene Pyramiding in Tanzania

Broad-Spectrum Enhancement of Immunity as a Strategy to Prevent Morbidity and Mortality

Brucellosis transmission patterns between animals and between animals and humans

BSU Knowledge Sharing, Research Dissemination and Communication: IAA Outreach Case

Building the capacity of communities surrounding Serengeti ecosystem to produce and market charcoal briquettes form agricultural and domestic wastes

Canine Parvovirus infection in unvaccinated dogs and dogs with suggestive signs of PVE

Capacity Building on Produce Postharvest Management In Tanzania

Capacity Building through Establishment and Strengthening of Aquatic Medicine and Food Safety Resource Center in the Eas

Carbon Storage Potential of Nature Forest in Udzungwa Scrap Forest Reserve

Collaborative Masters Program in Agricultural and Applied Economics (AERC)

Commercialization of medicinal plants products for management of skin conditions

Commercialization of novel sorghum and millet products for improved socio-economic gain in Eastern Africa

Delineation of the genetic stock structure of the Queen mackerel to enhance fisheries management in Tanzania (DGS - Fish)

Determination of the relation between plasma leptin levels and physical activity among children in Tanzania (PALEP)

Developing and Introduction of Hermetic Storage: Innovative sustainable technology for prevention of post harvest grain losses in smallholder

Developing Baseline Information for Promoting Bamboo Plantations Establishment in the Southern Highlands Zone of Tanzania

Developing behaviour change strategy for dairy development projects in Handeni and Mvomeral districts (ILRI)

Developing User friendly management package for Fall Army Worm and ICT Based Awareness Creation System

Development of appropriate Hatchery Technology for African Catfish in Tanzania

Development of Integrated community based intervention for control of dogs tapeworms lava infections in humans and ruminants at Ngorogoro Districts

Development of Leptospira antigen panel for scaling-up diagnosis of human and animal leptospirosis to improve productivity in Tanzania

Development of Multispecies validated Serology Protocols For Complex ecosystem, focused on East African community in Support of Global PPR Eradication

Develping Forest Financing Framework for the Eastern Arc Mountains in Tanzania

Digital event information and data collection at community level in cross border areas

DNA Barcoding to Combat Wildlife Crime

DRIVER OF FOOD CHOICE: Understanding the drivers of diet change and food choice among Tanzanian pastoralists to inform policy and practice

East African Vegetable Crops Integrated Pest Management Innovation Lab (EAVCIPM - IL)

Ecologically Based Management of Rodent Pests in Maize and Rice in East Africa

Ecology of Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever Virus

Effect of Resin Tapping on Growth and Wood Quality of pinus patula

Effectiveness of nutrition package in improving growth of rural children (6-23 months): a cluster randomized trial

Efficacy and Delivery Methods of Novel Combined Vaccines against Respiratory Poultry Diseases

Efficacy of a low dose ferric sodium ethylene tetra acetic acid (Fe-Na-EDTA) Supplement to reduce anemia in malaria

Enabling sustainable exploitation of the Coastal Tuna species (Kawakawa and Skipjack) in Western Indian Ocean (WIOMSA-Rhodes University)

End of illegal bush meat trade in East Africa: Establishing trans boundary surveillance by high resolution melting of vertebrate molecular barcodes

Enhanced preservation of fruits using nanotechnology

Enhancing Children Nutrition and Rural Livelihoods in Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania through post-harvest value-chain technology improvements in groundnuts

Enhancing elephant conservation and protection in East Africa with molecular genetic tools

Enhancing Forest restoration of Bunduki Gap in the Uluguru Nature Reserve in Morogoro, Tanzania

Enhancing Monitoring of Forest Structure and Threats to Biodiversity Using Remote Sensing Techniques

Enhancing Post harvest Technologies and Food Safety Innovations in Fresh Tomato Value Chain

Enhancing Rangeland Productivity and Community Livelohoods through Integrated Management of Noxious Weeds. A case of Kongwa weeds in Central Tanzania

Enhancing the Capacity to Deliver Short and Long Term Data on Forest Carbon Stocks Across the Country

Enhancing the Competitiveness of indigenous Cattle Beef Product

Enhancing the Quality of graduates of agriculture to meet tomorrows food security challenge

Enhancing value chain performance through improved understanding of consumer behaviour and decision making

Establishment of effective and sustainable ecto-and endoparasite control programs for the benefit of farmers E & W Africa

Establishment of Innovation Hub at SUA

Evaluating the effect of site-specific soil information on farmer input choices and the relationship between poverty and soil quality

Evaluating Zoonotic Viral Sharing in South Tanzania

Evaluation of an antibody detecting point-of-care test for the diagnosis of Taenia solium taeniesis and (neuro)cysticercosis in communities and primary care settings of highly endemic, resource poor area in Tanzania and Zambia - Training and technology

Evaluation unmanned Aerial Vehicles(Drones) as a Novel Approach to supply remove comminities with novel combined

Explore sustainable two-way mechanism in reporting and receiving animal disease related information

Facilitating multi stake holder Partnership to foster Sustainable Shark Fisheries in Tanzania - FPSSF

Fertilizer quality in Sub Saharan Africa

Finalization of six Phd students from BSU Phase I

Food and Local, Agriculture and Nutritional Diversity

Food systems innovation under the Global centre for food systems innovation

Forest carbon assessment and monitoring in West Usambara mountain forests using existing data and remote sensing based method (COSTECH-POSTDOC)

Future Climate for Africa Innovation Fund

Gender and pro-poor agriculture growth

Genetic analysis to improve management and conservation of the endangered East Africa wedgefishes and their habitat

Genetic Diversity and influence of environmental variables on Frigate Tuna (Auxis Thazard ) reproductive perfomance in Tanzania waters for Sustainable Exploitation

Genomic tools for improved chevon production from South Africa and Tanzania Goats

Geo-spatial and ICT capacities in Tanzania higher education institutions

Global Alliance for Livestock Medicine

Global Health, Emerging Infectious Diseases and Food Safety Implication of Bush Meet Consumption in Tanzania

Global Hunger and Food Security Research Strategy Climate Resilience, Nutrition and Policy-Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Rift Valley Fever Control in Agriculture

Going the Last Mile: Equipping and Empowering Extension Workers to Make Innovative Soil Recommendations to Improve Agriculture in Africa

Graduate Training for Skills development, Sustainable Employment and Jobs creation in the Agricultural Sector in Tanzania (SDF&TEA)

Hands on Practical Agribusiness Skills and Knowledge to Young Farmers

Hazards Associated with Zoonotic Enteric Pathogensis Emerging Livestock Meat Pathways

Identification of sources and risk pathways of Campylobacter contamination of boiler carcasses

Identifying the threats of zoonotic disease emergence in humans from arboviruses of forest wildlife

Implication of tilapia in the emergence and transmission of progenitors of toxigenic Vibro cholerae in the aquatic environment during non-cholera outbreak periods in Tanzania

Improved Poductivity of Nile Tilapia through selective Breeding to Alliviate Poverty among Tanzania small-scale Farmers

Improving Farmers’ Income Through Increasing Orange Marketable Yield, Quality and Farmers’ Access to Niche Markets

Improving Field Diagnostic Techniques for Contagious Bovine Pleuropheumonia

Improving Nutrition Outcomes Through Optimized Agricultural Investments (ATONU)

Improving the Nutritional Status and CD4+ Cell count in HIV - Infection Children through Nutrition Support

Increasing common bean productivity in Tanzania (USDA-ARS)

Increasing Poultry Productivity Through Thermostable Vaccine for Control of Respiratory Disease

Increasing Yield of Sorghum and Millet using Eclipta alba for seed treatment

Innovating pro-poor Strategies to safeguard Food Security using Technology and Knowledge Transfer (Trans-SEC)

Innovation Lab for Small-Scale Irrigation (ILSSI) in Tanzania

Innovations in Technology, Institutional and Extension Approaches towards Sustainable Agriculture and enhanced Food and Nutritional Security in Africa - InnovAfrica

Insert Service and Biodiversity in Agro ecological Farming - SeBAF

Integrated human and animal disease control for Tanzanian pastoralists facing settlement

Integrated Management of Bean Bruchids in common beans (P. vulgaris)

Intensification of maize-legume based systems in the semi-arid areas of Tanzania to increase farm productivity and improves farming natural resources base

Intermediate Fellowship in Public Health and Tropical Medicine, ‘Full genome sequencing to identify determinants that impact upon foot-and- mouth disease virus strains with a potential for enhanced transmission in endemic settings in Africa

Introducing livestock farmer Field school training Approach into extension system to Improve Animal Husbandry and welfare in Rural Settings

Joint Forest management deliver the triple participatory forest management objectives-A case study of Nature forest reserve in the Eastern Arc Mountain (EAMCEF)

Land, Man and Forests-an Evaluation of Management Strategies for reduced Deforestation and Forest Deforestation

Large scale Agro-Investment in Tanzania:Impact on Land Accessibility and Food Security

Legume for Livelihood (L4L): Leveraging on gender and market opportunities to maximize poverty and food security impacts among smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and SA targeting Groundnuts

Leveraging Hides and Skins Technologies for Production of High Value Leather Products

Linking Climate Services and Soil Diagnostics for Climate smart Decision for small Scale Farmers and Service providers

Livestock in the Forest - LIVE FOR-Pastoralism and Argo-Pastoralism in decentralized forest management in Tanzania

Local and international business collaboration for productivity and quality improvement in dairy chains in Vietnam, Indonesia, Tanzania and Kenya (NWO)

Local Initiatives in Restoration and Conservation of Degraded Mindu Dam Catchment Areas for Improved Livelihoods

Making Working Environment safe from Sexual harassment, Testing Effective and User Friendly Complains Resolutions Model

Mapping of Native Tilapia Resources in East Africa (JRS)

Market Oriented Agroecology

Market System Analysis for Strengthening Production and Trade performance of Beef Products Industries and their Value chain in 11 Region Mainland

Mining into the Mycobacterium tuberclosis complex and staphylococcus aures circulating genotypes and their resistance profiles in resource limited settings in Tanzania

Modeling Fire Incidences and Impacts Assessment for Conservation of Biodiversity in Uluguru Nature Reserve, Morogoro, Tanzania

Modernizing Soil Science laboratory to ensure Soil health for sustainable agricultural intensification for industrialization in Tanzania

Molecular Epidemiology Network for Promotion and Support of Delivery of the Vaccines

Molecular Epidemiology of Brucellosis in Northen Tanzania

Mushroom Cultivation and Preservation for Biodiversity Conservation in Kilombero Nature Reserve and Improvement of Livelihoods of Adjacent Communities -Kilombero District

New Varieties and Management Systems to Improve Productivity, Food Security and Safety and Market Competitiveness" DFST 004

Nitrogen bio-fortified and palletized commercial-grade organic fertilizer made from urban biowaste to improve soil productivity and livelihoods of small holder farmers

Non-Discriminating Access to Digital Information (DigI)

Operationalising one health to vector borne disease in the content of Climate Change in Tanzania

Optimisation of Pesticidal-Plants: Technology Innovation, Outreach and Networks (OPTIONs)

Organic Cotton for Employment, Growth and Environment? (Organic Cotton)

Organic Cotton for Employment, Growth and Environment? Sustainable Cotton Production in Africa (SCOPA) project

Out Scaling of SRI to selected Major Rice Growing Areas of Tanzania

Outreach and impact based assessment towards improving health and welfare of donkeys and livehood of rural communities in Central and Eastern zones, Tanzania

Panpan-African Network for Rapid Research, Response, Relief and Preparedness for Infectious Diseases Epidemics (PANDORA-ID-NET)

Papaya-Equity and Institutions in Sustainable African Intensification

Pathway to Peste Des Petits Ruminants Virus (PPRV) Elimination Methods for Complex Ecosystems

Plant Breeding using Marker Assisted Selection

Platform of Environment and Climate

Policy analysis of the drivers of Antimicrobial Resistance within Tanzanians Formal and Informal healthcare and Animal care system


PREDICT 2 – pre empty emerging zoonotic diseases - Emerging Pandemic Threats (Tanzania Component)

Productivity and Growth in Organic Value-chains (ProGrov)

Promoting Use of Locally Fortified Sunflower Oil Using E-Vouchers

Promotion and utilization of indigenous vegetable amaranths for improved food And nutritional security (CISRO-BeCa)

Promotion of ecosystem-responsive integrated urban farming practices in the livestock, vegetable and fish production systems

Raising crop response: bidirectional learning to catalyze sustainable intensification at multiple scales

Rehabilitation of the China-Tanzania Joint Research Centre for Agricultural Development and Establishment of the Agri-Park Facilities at SUA (CAU China)

Research networks for health Innovation in Sub Saharan Africa

Reservor, Transmission Cycle and Molecular Epidemiology of Rift Valley Virus

Rice Improvement for Mutation Breeding

Role of rare more rate species co-existing with humans in northern Tanzanian transmission of neglected zoonotic disease

Safeguarding Public Health through Control of Zoonotic Parasites of Dogs in Morogoro (AFSCAN)

Scaling Up Community-Level Digital One Health Surveillance to Enhance Diseases Out breack Detection and Response in Morogoro Regions, Tanzania (DODRES 2)

Scaling up nutrition implementing potentials of nutrition sensetive and diversified agriculture to increase food security

Science and power of participatory forestry

Seeds of Expertise for the Vegetable industry of Africa (SEVIA project)

Selection of Breeding and Rearing of Quality Honey Bees for Improved bee Keeping

SEVIA Project: Cost Benefit Analysis of Drip Irrigation and Locally Used Irrigation Systems

Simian strains of the bacterium Treponema pallidum: a reservoir for human yaws infection

Soil Health analysis in the first and second rotations of exotic trees species planted at sao hill forest plantation located in Mufindi District, Iringa Region Tanzania

Spurring a Transformation for Agriculture through Remote Sensing (STARS)

Strengthen One Health antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and antimicrobial use (AMU) surveillance

Strengthened capacity and collaboration of public forestry organizations (TFS and research institutions such as TAFORI and SUA) to manage and use available data of forest resources aiming at sustainable forest management and use (INFORES-Tanzania)

Strengthening Agricultural Production ND Regional Trade Among Women Smallholder farmers in East Africa – Phase 2

Strengthening Agricultural Production through the Poultry Value Chain among Women Smallholder Farmers

Strengthening Capacity for Epidemiology and Control of Trematode Infections In Cattle: In Tanzania

Strengthening Research and Teaching Capacity for Sustainable Development of aquaculture in Tanzania

Strengthening surveillance, disease, intelligence and health Information

Studying the Use of Mezquite to Improve Welfare of Communities in Arid and Semi-arid zone

Support to Sub-Saharan Africa in the Development of Food-Based Dietary Guidelines

Surveillance of Canine Leptospirous and Associated Carrier Animals in Urban and Rural Dogs in Morogoro

Sustainable Agrifood Systems Strategies (SASS) (ECDPM)

Sustainable Community Development

Sustainable Management of Natural Resources by Reducing Evapotranspiration in cultivated African catchments (SMART-ET)

Tanzania Accountability and Nutritional Score Cards

Technical support in the Diagnostic Survey for the Fall Army Worm (FAW), under the TCP Project

The collaborative Msc program in agricultural and applied economics (CMAAE)

The effect of resin tapping on growth and wood quality of Pinus patula at Sao Hill Forest Plantation located in Mufindi district, Iringa region (Tanzania Forest Fund - TaFF)

The influence of gender related factors on access to and follow-through of treatment

The potential of cowpea, finger millet and sorghum for hydroponic fodder production in Tanzania: A strategy towards livestock feed shortages reduction

Trans-SEC,Innovating strategies to safequard Food security using Technology and Knolewdge Transfer

Transforming key production system: Maize mixed East and Southern Africa - Enhancing productivity and resilience of legume cropping system through monitoring weather variability, water and nutrient use efficiency

Transforming key production systems: Maize Mixed East and Southern Africa-Adoption of nutrient diets and Aflatoxins mitigation

Understanding the Epidemiology and socio -economical impact of African Swine Fever

Unlocking Rock Phosphate Potential through Development and Production of Innovative Organic Fertilizer (Bio-Rock)

Use of Orange Sweet Potatoes in Enhancing Vitamin-Nutrition in Tanzania

Validation of Locally Developed Newcastle Disease vaccine and Development of Tanzania Model of Village Local Chicken Production for Poverty Alleviation

Viability and Economic Valuation of Ecosystem services in the Eastern Arc Mountains (EAMCEF)

VISTA: Viable Sweet potato Technologies in Africa – Tanzania

What to plant when and where? Designing Integrated Forest-Agricultural Landscapes to Enhance Multiple Livelihood Benefits to and from Agriculture

Wire snare and Conservation: Improving Local Community Livelihoods to reduce wildlife snare poaching in the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem

Woody invasive alien species in East Africa: assessing and mitigating their negative impact

Youth realities, aspiration and Opportunity structure in the Dry lands of Tanzania

Zoonotic Select Agents in Tanzania – A One Health Approach to Rift Valley Fever and Brucellosis Surveillance (DTRA-2)