The Pierre Fabre Foundation has selected the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) through its initiative “Promoting Proper Management of Zoonotic Diseases through e-based One Health Training of FHW” to receive one of the Global South e-Health Observatory Awards in 2019.

Speaking on the process of the award, Director for Postgraduate studies, Research, Technology Transfer and Consultancy, Prof. Esron Karimuribo who represented AFYADATA in the Conference which was held on 1st July, 2019 at the Foundation's headquarters at Lavaur (France) said they were requested to submit their pilot or operational projects that aim to improve access to quality healthcare and medicines in the Global South.
“We submitted our AFYADATA PROJECT and we are happy that our project won the award of one year of financial and technical support from the Foundation Pierre Fabre “said Prof. Karimuribo.
Prof. Karimuribo also wrote on Twitter saying that he was priviledged and honored to be one of five laureates for 2019 FPF Global South e-Health Observatory prizes.
— Esron Karimuribo (@karimuribo) July 1, 2019
Representative from different countries were able to present their initiatives at the conference and to participate in the e-Health Summer University as well as the three days workshops conducted by international experts from tomorrow.
The Global South e-Health Observatory, a Foundation Pierre Fabre initiative, is designed to identify, document, promote and help develop e-Health initiatives that improve access to quality healthcare and medicines for the most disadvantaged populations in resource-limited countries. It stands as the leading resource and gateway for development of e-Health in the Global South.
#AfyaData (Kiswahili word meaning “Health Data”) is a digital disease surveillance app which enables people in communities to report patients suspected of contracting infectious diseases such as Ebola, Rift Valley Fever, Marburg and cholera. The app was developed and launched by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) through Southern African Centre for Infectious Disease Surveillance (SACIDS)
Read also:
Digital Disease Surveillance App Launched at SUA
Tanzanian University launches an App that tracks Ebola