Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) through Southern African Centre for Infectious Disease Surveillance (SACIDS) has launched a digital disease surveillance app called #AfyaData (Kiswahili word meaning “Health Data”). The app enables people in communities to report patients suspected of contracting infectious diseases such as Ebola, Rift Valley Fever, Marburg and cholera.
AfyaData App is a set of open source mobile and web digital tools developed by a team of animal, human and Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) specialists together with community members through support from the Ending Pandemics to enhance disease surveillance systems. The app can be downloaded for free via Google play store.
Read more about AfyaData App as reported in the Media:
SUAMEDIA: SUA Yatoa Jawabu Katika Upatikanaji Wa Taarifa Kwa Haraka Na Usahihi Wa Mlipuko Wa Majanga
THE CITIZEN: Tanzanian University launches an App that tracks Ebola
THE CITIZEN: DR Congo seeks to defeat Ebola with digital tool from a Tanzanian University
HABARI LEO: Congo Yaomba Utaalam Wa Sua Kukabiliana Na Ebola
MEDICOPRESS: Tanzania’s new digital App that can track Ebola and other epidemics