Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) has successfully conducted a short course for fish farming entrepreneurs. The training was conducted from 2nd to 5th May, 2018 and involved 30 participants including five female.
Participants from Morogoro were 22 while participants from Mwanza were three. Kigoma, Dodoma, Mara, Arusha and Kilimanjaro each had one participant. The training used theoretical orientation that was conducted at the Institute of Continuing Education (ICE) Conference Hall and practical, which was conducted at Magadu Farm.
Course objectives
The course intends to achieve the following:
- Participant should be able to understand and explain general concept of fish farming and fish farming best practices in Tanzania
- Participant should acquire and practice skills on how to construct fish pond of various type and size
- Participant should understand how to fertilize fish pond
- Participant should understand how to transfer fingerlings from the producer to the fish pond
- Participant should understand general concept of fish nutrition, how to prepare feed, how to feed the fish and proper feed storage.
- Participant should understand general concept of intergraded fish farming and be able to integrate fish farming, crop production and livestock keeping.
- Participant should understand general concept of fish harvesting and be able to harvest fish from the pond.
- Participant should understand general concept of record keeping and be able to keep records related to fish farming.
Opening of the training
The opening of the training was officiated by Prof. C. Nombo, the Director, ICE on April 2nd 2018
Facilitation and Coordination
Trainers of the course included Prof. C. Chenyambuga, Dr. R. Mnubi, Dr. Lamtane, Mr. Evantus Shirima, Miss Mariam Ahsadi and Dr. A. Sangeda. Coordinaton of the training was done by a team of staff from Department of animal, aquaculture and Range sciences in collaboration with staff from the ICE. The training was funded by USAID under Aquaculture & Innovation Laboratory Project in collaboration with Purdue University, United state of America.
Media coverage of the training
The course was advertised using SUAFM radio, SUA website and SUA Facebook page while the training process was covered by SUAFM radio, Habari LEO news paper and SUA Face book page.
Closing Ceremony and Awards
The closing ceremony of the training was officiated on 5th May 2018 by Dr. Anthony Sangeda who represented the Head of department of Animal, Aquaculture and Range Sciences. All participants were awarded a certificate of participation at the end of the course. The award meant to acknowledge their readiness and motivation for utilizing training opportunities available at SUA for linking transformation of agriculture and natural resources sectors with industrialization in Tanzania.
The ICE, Department of animal, aquaculture and Range sciences and SUA at large wishes to thank participants of the course for their readiness in taking opportunities available at SUA, financing part of the training cost including transport, accommodation, incidentals and meals and for their active participation throughout the course. Thanks also go to facilitators and organizing team from department of Animal, Aquaculture and Range Sciences as well as ICE staff. Furthermore, appreciation is extended to USAID for financial support that covered part of the training cost.
Read Also:Highlighting the Training for Fish Farming entrepreneurs at Sokoine University of Agriculture