UNESCO Chair in Ecohydrology and Transboundary Water Management of Sokoine University of Agriculture which is under the coordination of Dr. Makarius C.S. Lalika in collaboration with UNESCO Chair in Ecohydrology Water for Ecosystems and Societies of University of Algarve, Portugal under the coordination of Prof Luis Chicharo has organized the International Training on Ecohydrology in Tanzania which was held from 29th April to 3rd May, 2019 at Walter Sisulu Conference Room, Solomon Mahlangu College of Science and Education (SMCoSE) in Mazimbu, Morogoro.

The Guest of Honour, Sokoine University of Agriculture's Deputy Vice Chancellor - Academic, Prof Peter R. Gillah (sixth from left, front row) posing for a group photo with instructors and trainees after the official opening of the International Training on Ecohydrology in Tanzania at SMCoSE
The beneficiaries of this training were BSc. and MSc holder in Environmental Sciences and Management, Marine Biology & Limnology; Environmental Engineering, Forestry and Wildlife, Education (Geography / Biology / Mathematics) and those with basic knowledge on ecology/environmental economics and/or water related sciences.
The aim of training was to equip trainees with detailed knowledge, critical understanding, strategies and the tools required to take an interdisciplinary approach towards Ecohydrology, biotechnology practices and valuation of ecosystem services.

The training helped to equip trainees with knowledge on environmental and natural resource economics applied in the valuation of ecosystem services and provide examples of Ecohydrological biotechnology solutions implemented in practical case studies in other parts of the African Continent and Europe.
Trainees were also imparted with theoretical and methodological debates in Ecohydrology and environmental conservation to better understand the complex emergence of water resources problems, ecosystem degradation and their implications for human-nature relations and how to deal with them in practice for ecological sustainability and societal needs.

A total number of twenty (20) trainees attended this training whereby 10 were females and 10 were males and instructors came from Portugal, Malaysia, Ethiopia and Tanzania.
UNESCO Chair in Ecohydrology and Transboundary Water Management of Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania is a Project hosted at the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Solomon Mahlangu College of Science and Education (SMCOSE). It was approved last year 2018 by UNESCO HQ in Paris. It is coordinated by the founder Dr Makarius C.S. Lalika who is Lecturer of Environmental Sciences at Solomon Mahlangu College of Science and Education (SMCoSE).