Third training Workshop on Enhancing Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability in Higher Education in Africa

The Enhancing entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability in higher education in Africa (EEISHEA) project under the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union has organized a third joint workshop on Student centered Learning, E- Learning, Entrepreneurship & Innovation and Sustainability in Higher Learning Institutions. The event took place at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) from 6th to 10th May 2019 at the Council chamber hall.

EEISHEA Workshop at SUA

Group Photo: Participants of the training workshop on Enhancing Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability in Higher Education

SUA academic members of staff were exposed to student centered pedagogical methods and techniques that activate learners to take the central role in the learning process. Further, participants were trained on the use of SUA E-Learning platform (the moodle) to complement face to face teaching. In addition participants were exposed on ways to incorporate entrepreneurship and sustainability components into curriculum. 

Prior to the actual training, the workshop started with an awareness forum on the project where SUA academic members of staff had an opportunity to meet with panel stakeholders.  These included graduates from SUA with startups (business, companies, firms) E.g and were among the innovative products presented by entrepreneurs from SUA.  Also, ongoing students from Certificate in Information Technology (1st & 2nd year), Diploma in Information Technology (1st & 2nd year) and Bachelor of Informatics (1st, 2nd and 3rd year) attended the awareness forum.  

EEISHEA Workshop
Courtesy call of workshop facilitators to the office of DVC Academic (who is also the advisory member of the project) before the training workshop From left Prof. Henrik, Prof Jordi and Prof Kristina (all from Europe)

The awareness forum was followed by official opening remarks given by the Guest of honor, Prof Peter Gillah, DVC Academic - SUA. In his remarks, Prof. Gillah appreciated the effort made by researchers from North and South who wrote a joint proposal and won funding from European Union under Erasmus+ programme. He also thanked the facilitators from University of Copenhagen, Denmark (Prof Henrik); University of the Catalunya (Prof Jordi), Barcelona, Spain and KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Prof Kristina). In addition, he was pleased to hear from local taskforce team (local resource persons) who trained fellow academic members of staff after attending training of trainers workshops in Europe. Furthermore, he pointed out the importance of incorporating entrepreneurship & innovation and sustainability aspects in our curricula so that our students become skilled, knowledgeable and competent in different specialties in the 4th Industrial Revolution where our country aspire to be in middle income

The capacity building training was done by Dr. A. Sangeda and Dr. E. Kira in the area of student centred learning. Dr. C. Angello & Ms J. Valerian trained participants in area of entrepreneurship while Mr J. Kilima and Mr M. Mussa offered training on e-learning. Dr. D. Ndossi taught participants on issues related to sustainability.

SUA members of academic staff and students in a group discussion during one of the session in the workshop.

Last day of training was used to train staff on an approach called ABC (Arena Blended Connected) curriculum design. This approach is used to incorporate student centered learning, entrepreneurship & innovation, e-learning and sustainability issues in the curriculum. During the session, staff from Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Computational Sciences who teach Informatics courses and some of their selected students were involved in the re-designing of the proposed curriculum for Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.

EEISHEA workshop
Part of training materials used by participants in designing the curriculum for BSc. Information Technology

About the Project

Enhancing entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability in higher education in Africa (EEISHEA) is a project which was launched in October 2018. EEISHEA is a collaboration between 5 universities in Africa and 5 universities in Europe. At Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Prof. Camilius Sanga is a local project coordinator while Dr. Anthony Sangeda is a local project manager. The advisory board member for project is Prof. Peter R. Gillah.

The overall aim of the project is to initiate sustained educational change in the 5 African universities, redesigning chosen curricula to become ‘best practice’ examples with regard to contents, approaches to learning and teaching and methods of delivery. 

For more information, visit 


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