1.0 Introduction
Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) has entered into a Research Agreement for “Agroecology Research and Advocacy” with Swissaid Tanzania (SWTA), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to conduct research in Agroecology.
The research project will be hosted by the Department of Crop Science and Horticulture and is funded through the Swissaid project TA 2/17/04.All research will be conducted in Tanzania by PhD students registered at Sokoine University of Agriculture.
The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ) Based at Zurich, Switzerland will provide technical backstopping to the project.
2.0 Objectives of the Project
The main objective of the research is to evaluate existing agroecological practices so as to identify the best agroecological practices based on the information and knowledge obtained from studies in the field.
The specific objectives are to:
I) Generate scientific data to support advocacy efforts for agro-ecology as a viable solution for food security and the empowerment of farmers to influence policy makers and the executive within the government at all levels, and
II)Document evidence that can support other stakeholders such as development partners, academia and policy makers in Tanzania in their efforts to influence national and district level policies on embracing ecological agriculture as a solution to:
a) Increase the productivity and profitability of the agriculture sector;
b) Enhance the livelihoods of smallholder farmers; and
c) Improve the environmental conditions and soil fertility for future generations.
3.0 Components of the PhD studies
The two PhD students will carry out their research in complementary fields of inquiry.
3.1 Field/laboratory research component: work on identifying best agroecological practices, by evaluating recorded data in farmers’ fields and compare them quantitatively and qualitatively to those collected on the field stations in Morogoro, Masasi and Bagamoyo. In addition, own data will be collected in parallel to using the farmer-led research & documentation App to validate the recording practice of the farmers using the App.
3.2 The advocacy component: work on socio-behavioral aspects of uptake, use and appropriation of the “Farmer-led research & documentation App”. He/she will also assess the impact of the “Farmer-led research App” over time. The results of the field research and the developed ICT tools will be used to further advocate for increased implementation support of agroecology addressing food security, poverty reduction and ecology in Tanzania and beyond
4.0 Who can apply
Applications are invited from candidates to undertake studies in one of the components.
Field/laboratory research component – applicants must have a relevant MSc degree in Agriculture, Crop Science, Soil Science or Agronomy from a recognized University
Advocacy component - applicants must have a relevant MA or MSc degree in relevant social sciences (eg. Agricultural Extension, Information and Communication Technology [ICT], communication) from a recognized University. Suitable candidates must have a good background in ICT or be ready to sit for remedial courses in ICT in order to acquire the required skills.
Note: All applications must be accompanied by a concept note of a maximum four pages, times New roman font 12 and 1.5 line space indicating their approach to the study area chosen
5.0 Financial support
Successful candidates will be awarded full sponsorship incorporating University fees, research funds, stipend and other costs approved by Sokoine University of Agriculture.
6.0 Duration
The financial support to successful candidates is for 4 years from the time of registration
7.0 How to apply
General instructions are provided at the SUA website www.sua.ac.tz. Applicants can directly obtain application information from Directorate of Research, Postgraduate studies, Technology transfer and Consultancy (DRPTC) webpage http://www.dprtc.sua.ac.tz. Applicants must indicate College of Agriculture - Department of Crop Science and Horticulture (DCSH) as the host department which shall coordinate all applications.
Application forms can be requested from the undersigned or downloaded from our website:(Download Application form here). Such dully-filled forms can be returned physically or mailed to the undersigned together with evidence of payment of Shs. 50,000/= or 20$ for foreigners, as application fee. Payments should be made through A/C NO. 0150076769860 CRDB Bank.
8.0 Close of applications
Deadline for receiving applications: 15 January, 2018.