Highlights of the Inception Meeting of the Project “Safeguard Water Security Towards Sustainable Development Goals in Aquatic Ecosystems”

On September 2nd, 2024, the project team convened inception meeting for inauguration of the project on Safeguard Water Security Towards Sustainable Development Goals in Aquatic Ecosystems at Mwembeni Complex, Musoma Mara.

Highlights of the Inception Meeting of the Project “Safeguard Water Security Towards Sustainable Development Goals in Aquatic Ecosystems”

Fig 1: Guest of Honor, Dr. Gerald Kusaya giving the opening speech at Mwembeni Complex Musoma, Mara Tanzania.


The project on Safeguard Water Security Towards Sustainable Development Goals in Aquatic Ecosystems (SWATs) is a product of the application submitted under the window “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Collaborative Funding Call 2023.” The project is in line with the SDG goals number 6 addressing water and sanitation.  The SWATs project is a collaboration between Lund University (Sweden), Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania), University of Eldoret (Kenya), Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, (China) and Mara Women Empowerment Association (MWEA -Tanzania).

At global scale, the project is implemented in four countries focusing on different work packages (WP) and activities in each respective country. At country scale (Tanzania), the project focuses on WP 4: Research and innovation (R&I) test in pilot studies. The main objective is to analyse water security, sanitation and water quantity challenges along aquatic ecosystems (urban rivers and Mara River Wetland), in Mara Region, Tanzania.

Specifically, the project will: identify and examine key strategies based on data and literature by developing a Water Sustainable Index (WSI);  assess land use and forest cover changes and determine their relation to sustainable water supply in Mara River Catchment; examine river health assessment using macroinvertebrates as bio-indicators and test new method to improve water quality monitoring and management; and determine types and sources of emerging pollutants and develop strategies from results for future research and innovation.

Inauguration of the project

The lauching of the project was officiated by the Regional Adiminstrative Secreatry (RAS - Mara Region), Dr. Gerald Kusaya.

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Fig 2: Guest of Honor, Dr. Gerald Kusaya lauching the project

During the opening speech, the Guest of Honor explained about the involvement of RAS Office (Mara) on environmental conservation especially water resources, rivers, Mara River Wetland and Lake Victoria Basin as a whole. Dr. Kusaya emphasized on the need for water resources management and that the future of nature conservation rests on all of us.

Furthermore, he said: “The sustainable flow of different ecosystem services especially water and aquatic resources depends on how human beings utilize the river catchment areas”.

About the role of different stakeholders with respect to the conservation of Mara River Catchment, Dr. Gerald Kusaya emphasized that “For quite some time, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) has been on the forefront in research along Mara River Wetland and Lake Victoria Basin in general.  Moreover, he appreciated the Project Team for considering Mara Region to be part of this research venture and appreciated Mara Women Empowerment Association (MWEA), the local NGO to be part of this project. 

With regards to MSc and PhD students, Dr. Gerald Kusaya said “You should be so happy and grateful to be part of this project. I am sure a lot of your colleagues and friends missed out this opportunity. Make sure the findings and subsequent recommendations of your research add value to your future, the future of water resources management, and the sustainability of aquatic ecosystems in Mara Region, especially Mara River Wetland.”

After the official opening of the inception meeting and launching of the project document, the Guest of Honor, Dr. Gerald Kusaya posed for group photos with different stakeholders.

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Fig 3: Guest of Honor, Dr. Gerald Kusaya with environmantal officers , Mara Region Tanzania

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Fig. 4: Guest of Honor, Dr. Gerald Kusaya with representative from NGOs and WUAs in Mara Region, Tanzania

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Fig 5: Guest of Honor, Dr. Gerald Kusaya with MSc and PhD students


Stakeholders and activities of the event

The event comprised of participants from RAS Office (Mara), Sokoine University of Agriculture, Water Institute, NEMC Zonal Office (Mwanza), Lake Victoria Basin Water Board (Musoma Sub-Office), Musoma Urban Water and Sewerage Authority, Musoma Water Quality Laboratory, District Councils (Musoma, Butiama, Rorya, Serengeti and Tarime), WWF - Bunda Office, MWEA and Water User Associations (Mara, Tighite and Manchira).

This event involved two main activities: (i) Inauguration of the project, and (ii) Presentation of concept notes from MSc students. A total 6 concept notes were presented as listed hereunder:

  1. Integration of Remote Sensing Data and Hydrological Models for Water Resources Management in Mara River Catchment, Tanzania
  2. Valuation of Ecosystem Services Along Mara River Wetland, Mara Tanzania
  3. Determination of Emerging Pollutants Along Urban Rivers: Empirical Evidence From Musoma and Tarime Towns, Mara Tanzania
  4. Wetland Dynamics and Health Assessment for Aquatic Biodiversity Sustainability Along Mara River, Mara Tanzania
  5. Understanding Perceptions and Responses to Water Pollution:  Implications on Aquatic Ecosystem Along Mori River Catchment, Mara Tanzania
  6. The Economic Implications of Emerging Pollutants to Water Security and Sanitation in Musoma Municipality, Tanzania

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Fig 6: Some of students presenting concept notes during the event

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Fig 7: Students posing for a group photo

For more information about this event and the project, kindly do not hesitate to contact: lalika_2mc@sua.ac.tz; anordiusgeorge3@gmail.com; makarius.lalika@yahoo.com

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