Wine producers should consider quality and consumer safety

The participants of the professional wine production seminar in the country have been advised to invest their time in learning the best way to prepare and produce good wine so that it can compete with similar products that are produced by competing countries.

Wine producers should consider quality and consumer safety

The participants of the professional wine production seminar

The call has been stated by the Director of the Postgraduate Degrees, Research, Technology Transfer and Consultancy, Prof. Japhet Kashaigili while opening the training organized by the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in collaboration with TARI-MAKUTOPORA, Alkovintage Winery Industry and the Grape Farmers and Markets Cooperative (UWAZAMAM) held in Dodoma.
Prof. Kashaigili has said that wine production has great demand for domestic and foreign consumers, so if there is production that adheres to good standards, Tanzanian wine will get a market even outside the country's borders, unlike the current situation.
"If you go to many places here in Dodoma, you always see different bottles of wine, but some have foreign logos, now you ask yourself if we will be able to compete with them in terms of quality and price. Now, as local producers we must tell each other the truth that we should focus on producing quality wines that will sell even abroad without problems", said Prof. Kashaigili.
He added that the production of wine for the current years is a great source of income, so a good investment in production will upsurge income as well as network opportunities between producers and mentor.
Senior Researcher from the Agricultural Research Institute (TARI - MAKUTUPORA) Felista Joseph Mpore speaking in the seminar as well as encouraging the importance of choosing the best grapes during preparation also explained how sugar has a positive or negative effect on making good wine.
On his part, Prof. Bendantunguka Tirsekwa, the facilitator in the seminar as the Director of the Business and Food Processing Training Center, has explained that for wine producers' projects to be sustainable and productive, their activities must comply with the requirements and existing laws and regulations, including consumer safety.
The training for wine producers is held under the Project of Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) being the University's strategy to support the government's efforts in increasing wine production through various industries, education, skills, and knowledge that continue to be provided by SUA.

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