Exciting News: TWO Research Groups led by members from the Department of Informatics and Information Technology Secure Dual COSTECH Grants

The Department of Informatics and Information Technology is pleased to announce a double victory, as they have successfully secured not one, but TWO grants. These grants, generously funded by COSTECHIDRC and NORAD, represent a significant accomplishment for the department and the College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CoNAS) at Sokoine University of Agriculture.

The first team, under the guidance of Dr. Michael P. J. Mahenge, has emerged victorious in obtaining a grant for their pioneering project titled “Development of Artificial Empowered Crop Disease Surveillance Prediction and Management.” The accomplished team includes members such as Dr. Farian Ishengoma, Prof Camilius A. Sanga, Dr Richard Madeghe, Dr Beatrice Mwaipopo, and collaborators from TPHPA and RECODA.


Exciting News: TWO Research Groups led by members from the Department of Informatics and Information Technology Secure Dual COSTECH Grants

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