SUA ranks number one in citations according to Webometrics

In terms of research and publication quality, Sokoine University of Agriculture is becoming more and more prominent, as confirmed by the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities(link is external), which recently released its list of the best universities in the world by citations.

According to the results released in August 2022, SUA continues to hold the top spot among Tanzanian universities with 119, 254 citations. SUA also stood at the top of the list in January 2022 after receiving 111, 886 citations.


Webometrics ranking is the system of rating the world's universities based on quality and research results reflected through website presence and domain, repositories, and informal scholarly communication. 

The ranking measures visibility, Web Contents Impact, Top Cited Researchers, Top Cited Papers and activity of university webpages with special emphasis on scientific output. The results is published twice a year (January and July) covering more than 31 000 Higher Education Institutions worldwide. 

For more information visit the following link is external)

Red also: AD Scientific Index 2022: SUA scientists emerge best in Tanzania

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