Experts consultation in student centred and Problem based Learning curriculum development process

On 3rd December 2021, the Local Taskforce Team (LTF) and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from the EEISHEA project at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) had a one-day consultative meeting regarding the draft of a student-centered curriculum for Problem based Learning (PBL) ‘BSc. Information Technology and Innovation curriculum (BSc. ITIN)’ in Dar es Salaam.


Group photo at Haki Elimu – Dar Es Salaam

The consultative meeting was chaired by Prof Mona Lisa Dahms (a retired Professor from Aalborg Centre for Problem Based Learning in Engineering Science and Sustainability under the auspices of UNESCO) and Prof Bente (a Professor from Aalborg Centre for Problem Based Learning in Engineering Science and Sustainability under the auspices of UNESCO and project coordinator for EEISHEA). Also, Mr. Japhet Makongo was present to give advices on issues related to quality assurance.

The meeting started with a presentation from Dr. Edvin Kitindi. He presented the draft curriculum of BSc. ITIN which is still under review at SUA. The curriculum will be delivered using a hybrid model (blending face to face and e-learning). The curriculum embeds issues related to student centred learning approaches (problem and project based learning), innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability.

The experts from Aalborg University gave constructive comments starting from the programme learning outcomes, how to draft semester project courses as well as how to adhere to TCU guidelines. Also, the emphasis was on how to craft a curriculum which will be delivered through student centred learning with a mini-project for students to solve a real-life problem in each semester.

The LTF and SMEs promised to incorporate all the comments given by experts so that the end product will be a curriculum incorporating student centred learning approaches, innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability. 

The EEISHEA Project at SUA benefitted from the lessons learnt given by Prof Mona Lisa and Prof Bente after similar consultative meeting with project partners universities from Tanzania and Ghana. This has been done because the process of seeking and valuing opinions, views, suggestions, critics and experience of experts and various, legitimate/ potential key stakeholders is an integral part of the broader curriculum development process of BSc. ITIN. Our project partner KCMuCo had earlier initiated a meeting with TCU staff, experts from Aalborg University and staff from Universities in Tanzania.

Seminal paper on how to implement Curriculum for PBL -  (link is external)

About the Project

EEISHEA stands for ‘ENHANCING ENTREPRENEURSHIP, INNOVATION AND SUSTAINABILITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN AFRICA.’ It is a project funded by European Union - Erasmus+ programme. The project aims at reforming Higher Education (HE) studies by ensuring that curricula are highly relevant to the contemporary economic and social needs of Africa by equipping graduates with skills and competences for employability and self-employment. Find out more at is external)

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