The overall objective of the project is to provide a comprehensive understanding of development dynamics of EUCs in Tanzania and explore how these impacts on the physical and socio- economic transformation of EUCs into urban townships.
Central to the research is to understand governance practices and challenges of these fast growing urban areas characterized by complex in-and out migration and rapid changing economic processes.
Immediate objectives
- To analyse how the forms and roles of institutions (formal and informal) have developed in support of the transformation
- To identify how governance practices (public and private) in relation to land, water and waste management have developed in support of the transformation.
- To identify how the rural-urban connectivity influence markets, business networks and employment creation in the EUC.
- To identify livelihoods and the role of mobility practices in the EUC
- To develop human resource capacity to research on development dynamics of EUCs
Dr. Evelyne Lazaro
School of Agricultural Economics and Business Studies (SAEBS)
Sokoine University of Agriculture
P.O.Box 3007, CHUO KIKUU