Use of Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) in order to improve Selection Efficiency in Breeding for Resistance to major bean diseases of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and developing appropriate seed delivery system in Tanzania

Project Summary

Objectives  of this project include; verifying the effectiveness of the incorporated ALS, CBB and BCMNV resistance genes against pathogen strains endemic to Tanzania under field and greenhouse conditions; verifying the stability of incorporated (homozygous) genes above using MAS of the advanced backcross lines; conducting yield evaluation on verified lines containing combined ALS, CBB, BCMNV resistance in multi-location replicated trials; conducting on-farm multi-location trials for participatory selection and release of varieties; conducting studies on pathogen variability in major bean growing areas of Tanzania specifically for ALS and Anthracnose.

Hosting Unit
College of Agriculture
Hosting Department
Department of Crop Science and Horticulture
Project Leader
Prof. Susan Msolla
Funding Agency

Kirkhouse Trust

Project Status
Ongoing Project
Project Completion Date
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