The Annual Meeting of the Food and Local, Agriculture and Nutritional Diversity (FOODLAND) project funded by the European Union (2020-2025) is held at the National School of Agriculture (ENAM) in Meknes, Morocco about 238 km from Casablanca.
FOODLAND seeks to develop, implement, and validate innovative, scalable, and sustainable technologies aimed at supporting the nutrition performance of local food systems in Africa, while strengthening agro-biodiversity and food diversity as well as diversity of healthy diets.
In Tanzania FOODLAND is implemented in Kilombero and Mvomero food hubs located in Kilombero and Mvomero District respectively. Other project sites in Africa are in Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco, Tunisia and Uganda.
The agenda of the meeting includes, among others, deliberation of key project results and field visit. Participants attending the meeting are drawn from its 30 consortium members. The coordinator of the project, Prof. Susan Nchimbi-Msolla is leading a 5-member delegation of the SUA FOODLAND team at the meeting. To date achievements recorded by the SUA team include:
- selection of four improved bean lines with increased levels of Fe and Zn,
- improved technologies for aquaculture systems in Kilombero,
- developed bio packaging materials using pineapple peals,
- tested the use of biodegradable mulching with farmers,
- developed nutritious composite flour formula from grains grown in the food hubs,
- developed and tested smart storage systems prototype for vegetables and fruits.
- In addition, the project has also developed nutritional recommendations based on the urban and rural consumer surveys conducted.
These recommendations will be shared with the relevant government ministries for implementation.

For more details on the story, you can read from the FOODLAND website