SUA scientists discover a new chicken vaccine; It controls three diseases at once

Scientists from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) have developed a new vaccine for chickens that controls three diseases at once.


The vaccine known as Tatu Moja has been researched and developed by the scientists led by Professor Philemon Wambura and Dr. Mirende Kichuki both from the Sokoine University of Agriculture.

The vaccine contains a combination of three vaccines for the control of Newcastle disease, Fowl pox and Infectious coryza.

Speaking at the 38th scientific conference of the Tanzania Veterinary Association held in Arusha between December 10-12, 2020, Professor Wambura noted that the vaccine has been thoroughly researched and approved by the relevant authorities in the country to start distributing and selling to pastoralists from in December 2020.

Professor Wambura said that the vaccine, along with its quality, would benefit from being able to be stored and used at room temperature without the need for refrigeration cooling.


Currently, the vaccine will be produced and distributed in the country by NOVABI in partnership with Farmers center.

It is available in a volume of 200 doses (enough for 200 chickens). In addition, it has been given a special color that will change if the vaccine is damaged or mixed with anything else and thus avoid the problem of farmers being sold or given low quality vaccines.

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​​​​​​​Sokoine varsity experts develop poultry vaccine

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