Sharing Excitement and Challenges of Research Feedback on Decentralized Forest Management in Babati District, Tanzania

Communicating research findings to communities and other stakeholders where research has been successfully completed is a vital an outreach activity. Towards the end of October 2019, feedback activities on research work titled “A novel theory for clarifying successes of decentralized forest management (DFM): Institutional dynamics and performance in Babati District, Tanzania” were undertaken in four villages including Ayasanda, Endanachan , Haraa and Boay, and at Babati District level. The research feedback project was supported by Ford Foundation- the United States of America based organization.

Dr. Innocent Babili

Photo 1: Feedback meeting at Haraa village, Babati District, Tanzania (Near Bereku Forest Reserve)

Process Followed in Conducting Research Feedback in Babati District

At local level, the research feedback was conducted through meetings that involved village leaders, members of village councils and members of village environmental committees who will eventually communicate the message to their constituents at village assemblies and sub-village meetings. 

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