Yesterday, 27th November 2018, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in collaboration with WWF Tanzania launched a Development Corridors Partnership (DCP) Project in Tanzania.

The Development Corridors Partnership (DCP) Project in Tanzania will build capacity to address concerns about development corridors by encouraging scientific collaboration and stakeholder engagement in key issues of corridor planning and management. This will include applying the best tools and analyses (and developing new ones if necessary), and communicating recommendations to all stakeholders more effectively.

A development corridor is a geographical area identified as a priority for investment to catalyse economic growth and development. This is usually through the creation of infrastructure such as railways or pipelines. They can be designed to attract new investments, boost agricultural production, open access to natural resources and facilitate their export to world markets.
Funded by the UK Research Council’s Global Challenges Research Fund the Development Corridors Partnership began in October 2017 and will end in December 2021.