The inception meeting of the Research for Agroecology Network of Southern Africa (RAENS) was held from 24th - 28th February, 2025 at the University of Cape Town and Lagoon Beach Hotel in Cape Town, South Africa. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development in Southern Africa (CCARDESA) and the eight members of the consortium, namely Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), University of Cape Town - UCT (South Africa), Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources - LUANAR (Malawi), Marondera University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology - MUAST (Zimbabwe), Zambia Agricultural Research Institute (ZARI), Research Institute of Organic Agriculture - FiBL (Switzerland), World Agroforestry Centre - ICRAF (Zambia, Malawi) and Young Professionals for Agricultural Development - YPARD (Germany).

Participants at the inception meeting of RAENS in a group photo at the Lagoon Beach Hotel in Cape Town, South Africa on 26th February, 2025
The major objective of the UCT-led Network is to “establish a robust, innovative, and sustainable multi-actor transdisciplinary Agroecology Research and Knowledge Network in Southern Africa, to strengthen existing initiatives, showcase the potential and scalability of agroecology, facilitate shifts in agricultural training and research towards agroecological and regenerative ways of producing food, fibre, and fodder, and to inform policy, thereby leading to an enabling landscape for agroecology uptake, research and training”. Operationally, the Network to be funded by the European Commission through CCARDESA, is organized into four work packages as follows: Establishing a network; Developing a learning network; Knowledge management and communications; and Evidence-based policy analysis and advice. In Tanzania RAENS will seek to complement on-going work of the Agroecology Hub in Tanzania (AEHT), which has entered its third phase (2025-2027) of its implementation through funding from the McKnight Foundation. Prof. Dismas Mwaseba, member of the AEHT secretariat represented SUA at the meeting.
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