Dr. Primitiva Andrea Mboyerwa, College of Agriculture, Department of Soil and Geological Sciences, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania
She was awarded by African Plant Nutrition Institute (APNI https://www.apni.net//)
This scholarship is supported through APNI’s continued and valued partnership with Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) and OCP Group (OCP S.A.). This initiative strives to encourage scientific programs relevant to understanding and improving phosphorus (P) management in agro-ecosystems.
Dr. Mboyerwa will be investigating the influences of alternate wet/dry (AWD) irrigation regimes and phosphorus (P) fertilizer application on rice yield and P use efficiency. Her study will compare these responses in both upland and lowland rice production systems with study sites in Morogoro (eastern Tanzania) and the higher yield potential region of Mbeya (southern Tanzania).
Phosphorus deficiency constitutes a major growth and yield-limiting factor in irrigated and rainfed rice systems in Tanzania. Most soils in Tanzania are highly weathered with high P sorption capacity and low P availability. Often farmers do not apply mineral P fertilizers which further contributes to a continuous decline in soil P fertility. This research will guide our knowledge for Tanzania rice production through its focus on yield improvement and the development of improved agronomic practices that can increase P availability, improve P fertilizer and water use efficiency, and encourage the judicious application of P inputs. Results are expected to support the development of best management practices for rice irrigation, fertilizer application and plant breeding technologies.