Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in collaboration with Humboldt-University of Berlin (HUB)(link is external), and the University of Hohenheim(link is external) from Germany has received funding from the Germany Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)(link is external) to undertake the FoCo-Active Project (Addressing the triple burden of malnutrition through behavioural change in food consumption and physical activity: A rural-urban comparative study in Tanzania, Dar es Salaam (urban setting) and Mkuranga (rural setting).

The aim of the project is to reduce health-related gaps fostering the triple burden of malnutrition and design and implement a tailored intervention programme with research activities in Tanzania. The project has a capacity building component towards supporting training of Tanzanians working in or with the potential to work in research and academic institutions.

Scholarship Offer:
FoCo-ACTIVE Project is offering TWO PhD scholarships at Sokoine University of Agriculture:

  1. The first scholarship will be awarded for a study stream of Nutritional status, consumer behaviour and dietary intake (To be registered at the Department of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences)
  2. The second scholarship will be for a study stream of Socio-economic aspects of the food environment and market preferences and their synthesis to dietary behaviour and physical activity (To be registered at the College of Social Sciences and Humanities).

The scholarship will involve short research visits to the Humboldt University of Berlin, the University of Hohenheim and the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF). The scholarship will cover tuition fees, a monthly stipend and research expenses (according to SUA fees structure) limited to a maximum of three years. Successful applicants will be required to apply for admission and register as full-time PhD candidates at the Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania with a tentative start date of October 2022.

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Minimum academic requirement:
    (a) For the study stream of HUMAN NUTRITION, applicants should hold a Masters Degree in Human Nutrition, Food Science or Food Quality, Public Health, and other related fields.
    (b) For the study stream of HUMANITIES, applicants should hold a Masters Degree in Rural Development or any other Social Sciences related field.
  2. Applicants should be highly motivated, self-driven and diligent.
  3. Willingness to travel to remote locations with extended stays
  4. Good academic background with solid skills in a range of statistical software.
  5. Excellent communication with a good command of English.
  6. Team player with good interpersonal skills
  7. Full time availability of applicant to fulfil project tasks and research activities

Application process
Interested candidates who meet the requirements are invited to submit a concept note (3 pages maximum), with reference to the PhD focus, research assumptions and questions.

In addition, the application should be accompanied with a cover letter, curriculum vitae, academic transcripts and certificates, at least one publication authored by the applicant (as first author), a reference letter from their MSc Dissertation supervisor and contact details of three academic referees.

Application documents should be submitted by email to Dr. Hadijah Mbwana ( or with a copy to Ms. Mariana Ngowi ( PLEASE SPECIFY THE RESPECTIVE STUDY STREAM IN YOUR APPLICATION.

The deadline for application is September 25th, 2022 at midnight Tanzanian Time. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Successful applicants will be contacted for an interview at a later date.

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